'You are too late to do that' have you ever heard someone said that to you. I have. Always. not once instead every time I want to do something out of my league (comfort zone). Turning 23 years old, I choose to further my studies to degree level instead of keep working and saving for marriage (future saving). Some said go chase your dreams, some said I will just end up being a half chaser (am I that dumb) and some said I will end up as degree holder with nothing more. I know I am just a so-so kids with a chicken little brain that achieving DL is not even in my dreams but I always want to mark one high level in my life while I could. When people do not believe that I can finish my diploma as I always said that I want to stop every time final exam hit me up but I prove that I can hold that scroll on stage too. So, when you heard someone told you to not chase your dream, you are late for that, you can never do that. Ignore them because they do not hold the door for your future....